Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Tree Competition 2013!

Tis' the season to be - overly competitive with regard to a relatively trivial matter!

The Annual (and Bi-Continental) Deehan Christmas Tree Competition

This year both teams have taken time out of their busy days to decorate a tree in order to impress others! with no notable goal other than they're own self satisfaction.
As usual cast you're votes on the left.
Leave comments below and try not be too kind...

Team A - 

Having derived their name from the heartwarming fact that despite being physically far away from the rest of the family - they still remain as close as ever. It's Team Apart-Tight! This year they have opted for the criminally underused Christmas Hippo theme.


Team B -

The Pre-Emigrant Team (or "Irish" as they where once known) have shown us with this tree what really can be achieved when you're in Kildare and the TV isn't working.